
Health warnings on exercise equipment: Should you worry?

Cold blue light shining on exercise equipment in a fitness studio; tire, sledgehammer, treadmills, weights and more pictured

There are warnings just about everywhere you look: The coffee you're about to drink is hot! Construction ahead! This product may contain peanuts!

In many cases, the reasons for these warnings are clear. But sometimes warnings raise more questions than they answer. When I was at the gym recently, these warnings on the exercise bike and treadmill were hard to miss in a bright red font:

  • Obtain a medical exam before beginning any exercise program.
  • Overexercise may result in serious injury or death.
  • If you feel faint, dizzy, or have pain stop exercising immediately.

What exactly did the warning writers mean by "any exercise program"? What constitutes overexercise? Does having any pain anywhere mean you should stop working out?

Finally, I wonder: might these warnings cause unnecessary worry that actually discourages people from exercising?

Is it safe to start exercising without checking with a doctor?

A doctor's approval isn't necessary for most of us. Most people can safely begin a low-intensity exercise program and slowly increase their efforts over time. Choose activities that would allow you to carry on a conversation, such as:

  • using light weights that are easy for you to lift
  • walking at a leisurely pace
  • biking at a leisurely pace (less than 5 mph)
  • stretching and balancing activities
  • light housework or yard work.

If you're starting at a low fitness level, make small increases in your workout over time. For example, if you start out walking 10 minutes a day, add one minute to your walk every week or two. Once you're walking 20 minutes a day, try picking up the pace a bit.

Who should be careful about exercising?

Of course, exercise is riskier if you have certain health conditions. It makes sense to ask a health care professional to make exercise recommendations if you're concerned about your health or have any of these conditions:

  • Coronary artery disease, including symptoms of angina or a previous heart attack. Exercise that's too much too soon could stress the heart and trigger a heart attack or dangerous heart rhythm. Lower-intensity workouts (such as short walks at a comfortable pace) may be preferable, at least until it's clear that you can tolerate more.
  • Exercise-induced asthma. Your doctor may recommend inhaled treatment to open up airways in your lungs just before or during exercise.
  • Muscle disease, such as a metabolic myopathy. Your doctor may discourage you from engaging in certain exercises, such as sprinting or long-distance running.
  • Back pain. Low impact exercise, such as biking or swimming, may be a better choice for people with back pain than higher-impact options, such as jogging or basketball.

If exercise is so good for you, why the warnings?

Let's review possible reasons for certain warnings:

  • Having a medical examination before starting an exercise program might uncover a condition that makes exercise risky. The best example is probably coronary artery disease, which could trigger a heart attack during intense exercise. Fortunately, sudden heart problems during exercise are relatively rare (though you might think otherwise based on TV and movies, including an episode from the Sex and the City reboot).
  • Overexercise is not a well-defined medical term. But it's true that suddenly exercising at high intensity when you're not used to it might be hazardous.
  • Stopping exercise if you're feeling faint or dizzy presumably refers to concerns about severe dehydration or other causes of low blood pressure.
  • Warnings about pain could refer to chest pain that might be a sign of heart trouble. Or it could be a warning about a type of severe muscle damage called rhabdomyolysis (which may complicate prolonged or intense exercise).

Of course, it's also possible these warnings have little to do with your health and everything to do with lawyers! That is, the equipment manufacturers might hope these warnings will ward off lawsuits from people who suffer a medical problem while using their equipment.

Are these warnings helpful?

Probably not.

All the warnings, alerts, and cautions in our everyday lives can become background noise. Despite red letters and bold fonts, warnings like these are easily overlooked.

Nor do they add much. My guess is that most people experiencing significant dizziness or pain during a workout will stop what they're doing even without reading a warning label. And serious medical conditions arising during exercise are rather rare, so the impact of warning everyone about them is likely small.

The bottom line

Don't be overly alarmed by alerts slapped on exercise equipment. True, it's best not to drop weights on your foot or exercise way too hard or long. If you are worried about workout risks or have been advised to be especially careful about exercising, it's reasonable to talk about it with your doctor.

But that conversation isn't necessary for most people, including those with well-controlled chronic illness such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or coronary artery disease. In fact, regular exercise helps treat many illnesses.

Exercise is among the most important things you can do to improve your health. And inactivity is a generally a much bigger risk than exercising.

So, if you see warnings on the gym equipment at your next workout, keep this in mind: there are much riskier things to worry about. Like hot coffee.

About the Author

photo of Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Robert H. Shmerling is the former clinical chief of the division of rheumatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and is a current member of the corresponding faculty in medicine at Harvard Medical School. … See Full Bio View all posts by Robert H. Shmerling, MD


Hot weather hikes: Staying safe when temperatures spike

Two backpacking friends sitting on a craggy rock to enjoy the view during a sunrise hike

Summer is an ideal time to take a hike, especially if you have the opportunity to explore one of our country’s many state and national parks. But if you venture far from home, it’s essential to make sure you’re prepared for the local climate and other conditions you may encounter on the trail, especially if you’re not an experienced hiker. Higher temperatures than you’re accustomed to or other extreme weather can be deadly.

“If you’re taking a hike in mid-July in the Arizona desert, there’s a very different list of considerations than if you’re in the mountains of Montana or the forests of North Carolina,” says Dr. N. Stuart Harris, chief of the Division of Wilderness Medicine at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. Here’s a run-down of what to consider before you hit the trail.

Traveling companions, safety notifications, and orientation

First, it’s safer to travel in pairs or a group of people. But always tell someone not on your hike where you’re going, your anticipated route, and when you expect to return. National parks often require reservations or permits for overnight stays or treks to certain locales, and keep a record of day-hikers, so sign up as requested. If you end up getting injured or lost, the information can make a huge difference in locating you more quickly.

Remember to bring a map and know how to orient yourself. In many wilderness areas, cell service may be spotty or nonexistent, so don’t count on using your phone’s GPS.

In the desert, you may be able to see for 50 miles in the distance. But if you’re in a steep, wooded area, you might not be able to see 100 yards ahead and it’s much easier to become disoriented, says Dr. Harris.

Be ready for heat, humidity, and other weather hazards

Check forecasts first. Always check the forecast so you can be prepared for weather changes. Temperatures may drop and wind may increase as you climb higher. If you’re in an area prone to thunderstorms, lightning injury should definitely be on your radar, says Dr. Harris. Learn these lightning safety tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Because these storms usually strike in the afternoon, you can minimize your risk by hiking in the earlier part of the day.

Hydrate well. During any type of exercise — especially hiking, which often demands a fair bit of exertion — be sure to drink extra water to replace the fluid you lose from sweating. On a warm day, you might not notice you’re sweating if it’s breezy. Pay attention to any signs or alerts advising hikers on how much water is best to carry.

Consider humidity. Temperature isn’t the only consideration, however. “If you’re in Arizona and the temperature is over 100° F, your body may be better able to release heat by sweating than if you’re in a very humid area,” says Dr. Harris. In the Great Smoky Mountains, for example, the temperature in July may be only in the high 80s. But humidity levels usually hover around 75% or higher. That means your sweat will evaporate more slowly, so your body’s natural cooling mechanism doesn’t work as efficiently. Be sure to rest and hydrate if you start feeling overheated.

What to wear and bring

Many park websites offer detailed safety tips specific to the terrain and weather you may encounter on a hike, so check before you go. Five basics to consider are as follows:

  • If your hike involves rocky or uneven terrain, hiking boots will offer more support than tennis shoes.
  • You’ll be more comfortable in lightweight, moisture-wicking clothing, but bring extra layers and rain gear, if the weather forecast suggests this is appropriate. Temperature drops can be surprising in some places when the sun wanes, so be prepared to layer up as needed if you’re out longer than expected.
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to shield you from the sun’s glare — and don’t forget to apply sunscreen to all exposed skin before you set off.
  • Along with plenty of fluids, bring high-energy snacks. If you get off course or encounter a problem, you’ll be glad you did.

Additionally, depending on where you’re hiking, you may need to dodge rash-inducing plants, including stinging nettles, poison oak, or poison ivy. Bring insect repellent to fend off biting insects and follow prevention strategies for ticks, which may harbor bacteria responsible for Lyme disease and other illnesses. Finally, carry a first aid kit with bandages for cuts and scrapes and moleskin for blisters.

About the Author

photo of Julie Corliss

Julie Corliss, Executive Editor, Harvard Heart Letter

Julie Corliss is the executive editor of the Harvard Heart Letter. Before working at Harvard, she was a medical writer and editor at HealthNews, a consumer newsletter affiliated with The New England Journal of Medicine. She … See Full Bio View all posts by Julie Corliss

About the Reviewer

photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Howard LeWine is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD